Mood: blue
Topic: My Return Home
The last time I wrote was Monday but I think it was in the afternoon because I've forgotten to recount the evening with the Fayerson family:
Monday night I went to Adriana's FIRST families house to eat dinner. Mia is still camping or something so she wasn't there and Robin was meeting a friend at the airport and wouldn't be home until later in the evening. So it was Marie (maman Bronlet/Fayerson) Lila, and me. We waited a couple of minutes for Marie's "boyfriend" to come home from work to start eating. After dinner, I went with Lila to catch her rabits to put them inside for the night (wow what a task, you have to admire the dedication that girl has to do it every night) After about 20 minutes of "rabit hunting" our mission became a success! I stayed a little while later talking and around 10 Lila went with me and Marie to drop me off. It was such a plesant evening and I'm so happy I know that family. (They made this exchange year worth staying for!)
My last night in Belgium was spent alone in my host families house, talking online and packing my bags... nope, no parties for me :( Yeah that was kind of depressing...
At 8 in the morning on Wednesday the 13th, Stephan Dor and Aurelie (his daugher who had gone to america) came to the Hubert residence to pick me up. They stayed together with my host family for about 45 minutes, eating chocolate pastry bread and enjoying the last morning. Even though the previous 2 or 3 days had been nice enough even in the morning, the day of the 13 it was gray and foggy right from the beginning. It seems justified though; I don't think it would have been easier for me to leave a sunny happy country as it was for me to say good bye to normal Grey-Rainy-Day-Liege.
All my bags had been packed since the night before with some things left out to be sent home to me (like my plush animal Stitch and Mouton) but I was still a little worried about the weight of my check in luggage.
Once my bags were loaded into Stephan's car, I said my goodbyes to the Hubert family (who I only stayed with for my last week in Belgium) but it seemed a little sad "comme meme" :( The car ride to Brussels where the airport is located, is an hour flight and in no time at all, we were pulling up to the entrance. Aurelie grabbed a luggage cart, loaded my bags onto it, and manouvered it into the airport. Went to the ticket desk, yadah yadah yadah, got in line to get my check in luggage... uh... checked in. (for lack of better airport termonology) :p And they accepted both my bags without problems of weight or anything. *phew* That was a big relief. :D I said a quick goodbye to the Dor family and went past passport checks. I didn't have any problems getting to gate B40 with only minor quick stops along the way, 1: to get my passport checked again because I was entering an area where all flights were destined for America and they have, of coarse, tightened security and 2nd: to get my hand luggage searched, shoes taken off, etc etc etc... They had me turn on all of my electronics I guess to make sure they were't bombs, then almost opened my box of italian glass for Lori but I persuaided them not to, and finally to finish, they patted me down because I was wearing baggy clothes and they thought that was suspicious. Besides that, the trip went really easily. I didn't once get lost, and there were no hassles about the forms I had to fill out or my credibility.