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My Internet Diary of Belgium
Wednesday, December 1, 2004
Farewell Pedro
Mood:  blue
Topic: Trip to the Belgian coast
Pedro left today. He was an exchange student from Brazil who came here to Belgium last January and now it is his time to leave. Adriana talked me into going to the airport with her to say goodbye to him... and goodbyes are always difficult. I'll admit, I've only met the guy 2 times prior to this but I still cried when he left because it was soooooooo hear renching. His host family was crying, he was crying, all the other Brazilians who came were crying. I can't help thinking about when I leave... Its only 6 months from now. Where has the time gone? I hope that I am missed as much by the people who have gotten to know me here as Pedro is going to be missed by his family... When Adriana and I returned to her host house we were "triste" some, thinking about how much we are going to miss eachother when we leave. I know I have made a true friend, and I am sure that in our lives, no matter what the distance, we will have to see eachother again.

On a happier note, I got a phonecall from Cliff last night! I haven't talked to him in soooooo long!!! He called at 11 and we talked until almost 1! He's in Florida now, but still doesn't have liberty... so hes bummin, but hopefully if he passes a test or hands in some papers or something, he will be granted liberty and will be able to wear civilian clothes again. Oh I'm so excited for him! lol!

Last weekend I went to the "mer" with Adriana, Pierre, and Kacha. The city we went to is Oostend (the biggest port in Europe) We rented a bike for 4 and made Pierre and Kacha pedel while we sat in the back and laughed our asses off at how stupid we must look!!!! Tons of fun!!!! Before we left, I got some sand and shells of the beach so I can say I have sands from Belgium, all sophisticated like!

On Saturday around 3:30 Pascal came and picked us up and brought us back to Ploeegstert where we stayed until Sunday.

Next weekend I'm going to Cologne, Germany, with the Steltzner family!!! They have a lot planned to do and I hope I'll be going back a lot when Heike gets there. We need to do some serious brownie eating and German partying!!! :-D

Well thats all for now. Sorry I don't update this often... I really do a lot, I just don't have the time to write tons... Desole. But tomorrow I have 3 hours of free time so I will add all my photos to my album!! Check that sh!t out.

happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 10:12 PM CET
Updated: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 6:23 PM CET

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