FUEL - Shimmer Lyrics
She calls me from the cold
Just when I was low,
feeling short of stable
And all that she intends
And all she keeps inside,
isn't on the label
She says she's ashamed
And can she take me for awhile
And can I be a friend,
we'll forget the past
But maybe I'm not able
And I break at the bend
We're here and now,
but will we ever be again
'Cause I have found
All that shimmers in this world is sure to fade
Away again
She dreams a champagne dream
Strawberry surprise,
pink linen and white paper
Lavender and cream
Fields of butterflies,
reality escapes her
She says that love is for fools who fall behind
And I'm somewhere in between
I never really know
A killer from a savior
'Til I break at the bend
It's too far away for me to hold
It's too far away...
Guess I'll let it go
Voici est mon chanson prefere! (ca c'est juste un, en effet, j'ai beaucoup)
Anything- Simple Plan
Why Don't You and I - Santana
One Headlight- The Wallflowers
Bad Day- Danial Powter
et plein des autres...
Je suis toujours malade. J'ai reste chez moi pendant tout cette semaine. Je tousse tout le temps et je crois que j'ai donne mon rhume a ma famille! Aujourd hui, Yasmine, elle reste ici avec moi. Je dor beaucoup mais j'ai finalement trouve les temps pour finir mon livre pour Francais 2h. (La Seconde Vie d'Abram Potz) Trop bizzar!
Quand je reste chez moi j'apprends plus de francais que quand je vais a l'ecole. lol c'est vrai. C'est parce que ma maman, elle parle beaucoup avec moi et quand je fais un erreur (et je fais plein des erreurs) elle me corrige mais a l'ecole personne me corrige et aussi, je ne parle pas beaucoup. Plusier fois, je me suis assie et j'entende a le prof, mais normalement, je ne fais rien a l'ecole... c'est comme ca. pfff. Malhereusement, je dois retourner a l'ecole, lundi prochain et j'y vais pendant 2 semains et apres, c'est la vacance de PAX!!
Je ne sais pas quoi je fairai pour la vacance de PAX. Tout ma famille va partir. (mon pere d'acceuil a Chine, ma maman d'acceuil a Paris, ma soeur, Justine, a Grece, et Yasmine va rester ici pour etudier) je ne peux pas donc rester ici, mais ma troisieme famille va partir pendant PAX aussi... meme la famille Steltzner en Allemagne... meme la famille Dor... umm... ca n'est pas bon pour moi... meme la famille Fauquenoit. non, je crois pas. pffff qu'est ce que je vais faire!? Ca va, j'ai encore deux semain. Je vais demander la premiere famille de adriana si elle voudrais m'acceuiller.
Cet weekened je vais aller pour voir la famille Fauquenoit et rester la samedi soir. Je rencontrai Thais (l' eleve d'echange qu' habite chez Fauquenoit de Brazil) et Meghan (?) aussi je crois. (peut-etre pas Meghan parce qu' elle travaille maintenent dans un universite en France et je ne sais pas si elle a les temps pour me voir)
Et le weekend apres ca, je vais aller avec la premiere maman d'acceuil d'Adriana pour voir un presentation d'art a l'universite lequel elle est une professur. (Ca c'est Samedi) Et Dimanche, ma soeur, Justine, elle a un 'pique-nique' avec rotary, qu' en effet, n'est pas un pique-nique vraiment, mais, c'est un... je ne sais pas quoi pendant tout le jour et moi et ma maman (?) vont l'aller aussi.
Adriana, la pouvre, elle a toujours le phenomie (phenomenie (?)) qu' elle a retrappe depuis elle a retourne de Portugal. Elle n'etait pas a l'ecole pour tout la semaine non plus...
**pfff la vie d'un eleve d'echange, c'est difficile!**
Ok now I'll translate for 1. those of you who can't speak french (which is most of the people who read this) and 2. for those of you who do speak french but who can't understand what I've written due to sooo many errers!! :)
--> I've been sick this entire week! I have not gone to school once! (Monday was a Teachers workshop thing or 'Conge' if you will, and no one went to school) and then Tuesday, MY BIRTHDAY!! I became sick, like I've already written about in my last entry, and it hasn't gotten any better since. But its given me time to catch up on some sleep and find time to finish my book for French 2h (A french course I take for 2 hours a week) I just read La Seconde Vie d'Abram Potz... it was so wierd.
This is fine because I learn more french when I stay home sick than when I go to school. My host mom is intensivly teaching me french. I think I've learned so much since Tuesday! We talk all day and every time I make a mistake she corrects me but at school, well for one thing I don't talk all day; non, that is the teachers job. Usually I just sit and listen to them talk... or maybe just sit and pretent to listen to them talk... and sometimes I don't even pretend. And when I do talk, no one corrects my mistakes (and I make a lot of mistakes) so how am I supposed to learn from that?
So Monday its back to school for me, sadely... but then 2 weeks of school and then PAX vacation. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do 4 that because my family won't be here (my host dad works in China, my host mom is going to Paris, my host sister (Justine) to Greece with her senior class, and Yasmine is staying here to study) My third host family isnt available to take me early because they are also going on vacation... as is Heike's family, as is the Dor family... as is the Fauquenoit family. I have no idea, really, what I'm going to do! Maybe I'll ask Adriana's first host family if they want to host me for 2 weeks or so.
so this weekend I'm going to the Fauquenoit's house and staying there Saturday night. I will finally get to meet Thais (the exchange student they are hosting from Brazil) and Meghan (an exchange student that they hosted 2 or 3 years ago who has come back to visit) (?) or maybe not Meghan because she is staying right now in a university in France where she is studying so I don't know if she will have time to see me.
And the weekend after that I'm going to an art presentation on Saturday with the ex-host mom of Adriana at the college she works at. Then for sunday, my host sister, Justine, has a rotary pik-nik (pick-nick (?) pique-nique (?))lol that she has to attend and I'm going along also since its rotary.
Adriana, the poor thing, has pnemonia (sp?) again. She had it before, when she went to Portugal (hense why she had to stay an extra week) and now that shes back she has caught it again!
ahh **its hard being an exchange student**
I've been hearing a lot from Cliff lately. He's talking about coming to see me in May. I don't know if that will work but he gets some sort of crazy Navy discount on practicly everything so I don't know... maybe. C'est un reve. And when I get back to America, maybe I'll brave the fact that I'm a red head, grab some extra bottles of sun screan and go visit him. While I was on the phone with him, he passed me off to one of his friends and said "speak french to him"
me-bonjour, tu peux parler en francais?
kid- ...
me- allo? tu es la?
kid- (to clifford) wow thats wierd man
me- ... passe-moi mon ex copain s'il te plait
lol, ok... and then I went downstairs and randomly handed the phone to my host mom, who started, immediatly, talking to clifford in French... then she stopped and listened for a second. (I'm pretty sure she got the same response from him that I got from that kid I didn't know) she just laughed and handed the phone back to me. Poor cliff was not understanding anything, but he said that he was bound and determined to learn french, so that someday we can talk together in french. You know, it isnt just something that you wake up one day and know... it takes a long time and a lot of dedication... practice... effort. Believe you me! But I admire his ambition to even want to learn French because when I first came here I told him that I would teach him french and he wasn't so kean on the idea.
Ok thats all for now.