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My Internet Diary of Belgium
Saturday, January 1, 2005
"happy new year my sister" -Donovan
Topic: Vacance de Noel
"Je vous souhaite pleins de bonheur pour l'annee nouvelle"- I wish you plenty of happiness for the new year!

"Happy new year~ and this year I will be able to see you again! Bye! Love Sisi" -Sisi

Today Donovan came up to me and gave me a piece of paper that said "happy new year my sister." You really have to appreciate that. :-)

Last night the Fauquenoits had a family reunion at Crystel's parents house, which included mooooore eating! (I don't even see how that is possible!) When the clock struck midnight everyone stood up and said "Bonne annee; bonne saunte" (not exactly sure of the spelling on saunte [?])and gave each person 4 kisses on the cheeks (like left, right, left, right) then sat back down and ate more (to my complete disbelief)The Moulon Rouge was playing on the tv and we got back to the Fauquenoits house around 2.

I started on packing my bags today. Trying to figure out how I'm going to fit all the stuff I got for christmas in Adriana's little black suitcase that she let me borrow. (She'll never forgive me if I pop it!)

I got to talk with annie yesterday:
Me: ANNIE?! Ahhhhhhhhh! Don't you EVER scare me like that again!!
Annie: *Puppy dog face* I'm sorry, tracy!


happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 11:03 PM CET
Friday, December 31, 2004
Thailand and the tsunami
Mood:  hug me
Topic: Vacance de Noel
Isn't it unbelievable, what happened in India and Thailand? Its even worse when someone you know was vacationing there over Christmas vacation. Annie, the girl who came to Belgium for a week, from England. She was there... In Phuket. I found out about the tsunami the day after Christmas and it had been 6 days with no word from anyone, Annie, Pierre, Adriana, whether or not she was ok. But finally, finally today I spoke with Pierre. Thank God, shes still alive and safely in England right now. I swear, I cried when I found out. I am just so happy!! I don't think I could have handled losing TWO people on Christmas day...

happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 1:22 PM CET
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Belgian Waffles
Mood:  hungry
Topic: Vacance de Noel
This morning around 11, Giovanni, a friend of Laurie's, stopped by to say hi and invited me out on Thursday night... so thats what I will be up to Thursday night. Then we went to the grandparents house and made homemade belgian waffles. SoooooOOOOoooo good! I added photos of that to my album. I even helped some... ok, actually I just supervised.

Dylan is really sick today (like I was a couple of weeks back) I'm sick too, again, but for different reasons... So we are going to plan to go to the ocean a different day.

I've decided to go to London. I'm leaving the 3rd and coming back the 5... That is, if it is ok with my cordinator. I just e-mailed him today to ask permission and that will probably not make him too happy (that I'm only asking permission a week or so before my trip when their strict regulations say nothing is allowed unless authorized 14 days in advance. Oh well, I payed for it (on accident but its a long and complicated story) and so I must go now.

happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 5:02 PM CET
Updated: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 6:19 PM CET
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Vacance de Noel
I just set mood to "Not sure" because "Feeling like a piece of rotten leftover, forgotten about in the fridge since last Saturday" wasn't an option. I should deffenitally write to the creaters of Tripod and request that they invent that mood. I think it would be a hit. And I guess that is all I have to say about that.

happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 4:24 PM CET
Updated: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 6:20 PM CET
Monday, December 27, 2004
Joyeux Noel tout le monde!! (merry christmas everyone!!)
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Vacance de Noel
There is one big difference between the Christmas here, and the Christmas in America: The amount of eating that goes on!!!! In America, Christmas is allllll about the presents, but here, each person has a couple of presents, but they all get together and eat a looooooot! On Christmas eve, the whole family came to the Fauquenoit's house and started eating around 6 or 6:30. After 4 different meals, a cheese plate, and dessert, we finally called it quits at Midnight!! I thought I would never eat again!!!

But then Christmas came around and after all the presents were opened we headed out at 11 or so for Lunch...and Dinner... and everything inbetween! We had another 4 course meal, a couple of desserts, some cheese and a few cups of coffee before finally waddled home at about 10.

As for Christmas morning: I think I had more presents under the tree than any one else in the house! All together there were 44 presents, and it took about an hour to open all of them. Crystal said "An hour!! It took us an hour!! I never could have imagined!" LOL! The majority of the things for me were little stocking stuffers that mom had sent me, mostly following a Clifford/Navy theme...

That night cliff broke up with me... On Christmas! Can you believe that!? Yup, well this time it is for real. When I told mom, she just said, "Oh well, now you can smash the mug. One less gift you will have to lug home" Thanks mom... always the rational thinker.

On Sunday, the Fauquenoit family took me to Brussels to see the most beautiful square in the world! I think it would have been prettier if I wasn't soooo cold!! We walked around for 3 or 4 hours, looking at the big "Creche" or something like that which is set up in the center of the square to show the Manger scene with Jesus Christ. These are really common here... You see them set up next to the side of the road in almost ever town, weeks even, before Christmas. But only on Christmas day is the little Christ baby set in it. So I got to see the big manger in the center of Brussels with the baby Jesus! Awwww! I also got to see the Mannekin Pis (the famous statues/fountain of a naked little boy peeing. He is said to represent the rebelious side of... something) I also saw the Jannekin Pis (the Mannekin Pis twin sister, who is also peeing, but she was shut off for the winter.) I will go back to Brussels with Adriana on the 12th of January with her host family, if everything goes right.

Well my vacation isn't over yet, its only Monday, and I will be with the Fauquenoit family until January 5th or 6th. So I will write later about my up and coming adventures!! :-)

All the photos I take this vacation are going into my Noel Vacation Photo Album if you care to check that out.

S'il vous plait...

happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 2:43 PM CET
Updated: Thursday, January 13, 2005 2:35 PM CET

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