Mood: mischievious
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY TO EVERYONE!! Here in Belgium there isn't much racket being made about the 4th... which makes sense seeing it isn't their day of independance :p. A group of American exchange students were, though, trying to get a party set up on the beach for the 4th of july, with fireworks and everything, but I'm not sure how that worked out. I had planned on going but first I wanted to make a stop in Brussels with Adriana to get her diploma thingy for the school but by the time we were done doing that it was full out storming and we didn't think anyone would be at the sea... plus I had asked Ross to call me around noon and he never did, so Adriana and I returned early which turned out really good in the end.
Adriana, elle est partie le 5. Quelle horreur! C'est un choses quand tu dois dire au revoir ? ta meilleure amie, mais c'?tait encore plus pire que ?a pour moi... Adriana est devenue plus que ma meilleure amie, elle est comme ma soeur! (et c'est vrai que nous avons habit?es ensemble pendant que je sois install?e chez Duchesne)
--> Adriana left the 5!! How terrible it was! It's one thing to lose your best friend but it was even worse than that for me because Adriana is more than my best friend! She's like my sister! (and its true that while I was living at the Duchene's house, she was living there with me)
Her last night in Belgium was spent like this: First the Duchesne family made couscous and we spent the evening there eating our 'last supper' with the family until 8:30 or so then when my host family was done doing the dishes, they took us to Adriana's first host families house where we spent the rest of the evening. Around midnight Marie took us back to my house (but don't be decepted, it wasn't to say goodnight) but instead to get my bottle of a****** and by 6 in the morning that was polished off between Adriana, Robin (Adriana's host brother) and me.
^Marie Fayersn(adriana's first host mom) added a comment to this photo on Adriana's website in French that went something like this: 'H? woah you 3! How many glasses of ice water did you drink before you got that beautiful starry eyed look?' lol :) At 6 in the morning the 3 of us wandered down to my house (the Duchesne house) on this little path that leads almost directly from their back yard to mine. And for the rest of the day I spent packing with Adriana and at 2 her first host family came to get her and me and took us to the airport. Goodbyes are always sad and this one was no acception either... :( As soon as I got back from the airport, I finished packing my bags and after a quick dinner with my Duchesne fam, Guillaume came to get me to take me to my new living arrnagements.
I'm really happy how the family change worked out where I moved the same day as she left for Brasil. I couldn't have supported staying there when she wasn't there. So now I'm at the Hubert residence. Guy and Martin are reallllly nice and they have two really cute sons (who unfortunately dont live at the house any more :( lol ) I get the entire upstairs of their house to myself which is sectioned off into two rooms for their sons who obviously don't need them any more. I get a bathroom to myself and everything.
I just can not believe London won the hosting of 2012 Olympic games! I'm so sad for Paris (because I dooooo loooove paris!) And then this morning when there was a terrorist attack in London. Hummm I just don't know what to think :/
Yesterday I woke up around noon (having finally caught up on the sleep that I missed from the night of the 4th of July (the night I stayed up with Adriana and Robin) and then went to work with my host dad until 6. He is the manager/ boss of an accounting business but I mainly stayed upstairs working on my presentation speach for Rotary that I presented today...
If I can find the cd with the 4th of july photos, then I'll put them on my yahoo album... that is if I canfind them. Everything is so almost neatly packed away I almost don't want to disturb it. :)