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My Internet Diary of Belgium
Monday, June 6, 2005
I <3 VENEZIA!!!!!
Mood:  loud
Topic: Trip to Venise, Italy

I just can't believe it actually happened! First I was almost sure that I was going, then I knew I wasn't going, then I thought I might be going again, then I thought Rotary wouldn't let me go, then the night before I was scheduled to fly out, I got the go ahead and knew that I was going. *phew*

Origionally, I ordered those plane tickets with a matching pair for Adriana and it was going to be us going together. I think we bought them about 2 or 3 weeks ago, mais pas plus. After we purchased the tickets and found out there were no refunds, her host family told her that they didn't want her to go. I just gave up hope and said well then I'm not going either. I stopped to think about it, because I just figured that I wasn't going, period, end of story. Then last weekend I started thinking seriously about what if I did go. I asked Killan if he would go with me and he told me he wanted to but he had too much work to do for school. I asked Sandyha but she didn't have the money. Finn- a commitment to his drama class. Miss New Hampshire- SATs in Brussels. Hugo- never got back to me on his answer. Finally I found Yonas. THANK GOOOOOOD for Yonas!!! (and his host mom) He told me that he'd been looking for a trip to make and his host mom wanted to pay for it for him! Plus it was her that got up at 3 Saturday morning to take us to the Charleroi airport.

Last friday (the 3rd) after school was a mad crazy day for me. I was scrambeling and running and crying some all over the place because the company closed at 7 and we still hadn't changed the name on the ticket from Adriana's name to Yonas'. 15 minutes before 7, Yonas calls me and tells me ... Ok tracy... its settled. I'm going.


I grabbed a quick chocolate sandwich and headed out the door to catch the bus in Liege to Spa where Yonas lives. He picked me up at the train station around 9 and we spent the rest of the night online looking at what our plans for the next day would be. We went to sleep around midnight but had to be up again at 3:15.



And in my dream I think: AHHHH!! someone is going to drop a bomb on me!!

... no no wait, thats just my alarm clock. After a quuick breakfast we were en route pour l'aeroport. The plane left at 6:30 but we had to be there at least 40 minutes early to get our tickets and such.

I slept for most of the plane ride and woke up just as the plane touched down in Italy. Even at 7:55-8 in the morning, it was already warm and the sun was coming up. We bought a bus pass for 4,50 Euros, to get onto the island of Venise from Trevise where the airport was. Once on the Island, cars are not permitted because the roads are too little and the only means of transportation is by foot or boat. For an all day pass, it costed 10,50 Euros but it is unlimited access.

**You are never lost if you never started with a specific destination in mind**

Errant- wandering

In the morning, Yonas and I walked all over the north part of the island, absorbing all that was new and 'Italianish' taking pictures and video clips of every little thing and every little building. Seeing the big cathedrals and 'major tourist sites' wasn't so important to us as exploring all the side roads and little lost gullyways!!!!

We decided around 11 that we should find a goal and since we had bought tickets for free boat transportation we agreed that finding the nearest boat launch was a sound plan.

The first boat that came our way took us to an island secluded from all the other little islands that was just a cemetary (not just a cemetary as in insignifigant, mais just a cemetary as in, there was nothing else on the island.) its a beautiful island comme meme :) We stopped, took pictures and even got a picture of a priest coming out of the main buildings. chouette :)

From there we took the next boat (because the boats make a circular route of the upper islands, a little ways north of Venise, and you can get off at any boat landing, look around, then take the next boat in which ever direction you want to go in the circuit.) to the island Murano which is super ultra famous for glass making. They have everything made of glass (blown glass-- ultra fragile, ultra luxx, ultra exxxxxxpensive) that you could ever want or wish for short of a toilet bowl I think.

non... im sure if I looked hard enough, I could find a toilet bowl also !!! :p I picked up a couple of cute things there :)

3 pm- take the boat back to the main island

****************il faut que j'ecris le fin d'histoire plus tard parce qu' il est trop tard pour moi et je n'arrive plus de penser****************

**************** I've gotta write the rest of the story later because its too late for me to think any more*****************

happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 12:01 AM MEST
Updated: Friday, June 10, 2005 11:32 PM MEST

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