(well he's got beautiful butterflies any how) ;)
Wednesday I went into town with Adriana and met up with Killan. He couldn't stay too long because he had work to do but we got to hang out for about 2 hours and I introduced him to my exchange friends.
there are more photos of us in my June Album. Not a lot... but some. :)
I think I've finally found someone to go with me to Venise... if only Rotary says its ok..**stress* Crosses fingers :S I highly doubt it which really sucks because I've already bought my tickets (!!)
This whole situation is really making me nervous. Here is the deal:
... actually I have two deals, but ok, continuing...
My first deal: My trip to Venise. The ticket is reserved for the 4th until the 5th of June. Humm that is what.... THIS SATURDAY!! ahhhh! How much did it cost? oh just over 150 EUROS!!!! =O First there was the problem of how we were getting to the airport by 5 in the morning, then Adriana's family said she couldn't go... then I found Yonas yesterday who said he'd love to go with me+ his host mom would buy the ticket for him + his mom would drive us to the airport at 5 in the morning! Wow sooo great! I love this woman!!! Then... my family tells me that I have to ask Dimitri... this is going to be a little more difficult. oh crap!
Second deal: the next time I talk to Dimitri, I also have to ask him when my Visa expires because I really want to stay here until the 11th of August. Infact, I've already gone ahead and bought the tickets because i figured if I waited any longer then thre wouldn't be any places left. J'en ai marree!! (I'm so tired of this) because every time I send an urgent e-mail, they people respond 3 weeks later! I can't just sit on my ass all the time waiting for them!! And I asked my counselor of Rotary (Dimitri) about my Visa + if it was d'accord (alright) with him and gueeeesse what... he stiiiiill hasn't responded yet. So last night I called him and he told me he was busy and that he'd call me back. Did he? non of coarse not! dahhh! My host mom explains to me.. well dimitri is a very busy person. Well thats great... maybe he shouldn't have chosen the roll of taking responsability of the inbound exchange students.
Lori goes home today!! ahhhhh *stress* I know how much she wanted to stay... :( but Jack is 'estatic' about her return! (je suis fiere de toi, Jack) hes expanded his vocabulary since she left! :p!
happytracyinbelgium typed this up
at 2:48 PM MEST
Updated: Thursday, June 2, 2005 3:08 PM MEST