My 1st Host Family

1st Family
2nd Family
2nd and a half Family
3rd Family
Lorie's Trip
Adriana's trip

Meet the DOR family.  (Bonjour) 
They live in Jupille, a suburb of Liège. 
Corinne is my host "Mom" and Stephan is my host "Dad." Corenton is my 10 year old host "brother," Noèmie is my 15 year old host "sister," and Morgane is my 19 year old host "sister."

At the Brussels Airport
From left to right: Me, Noémie, Corinne, Corentin, Christoph, and Morgane.

At the Brussels airport
Me with Aurèlie on the day I arrived in Belgium and she left for America

My new backyard

The front of my house

          I wanted to introduce S'mores to my host family so I went with them to the store to pick up grahmcrackers and marshmallows but couldn't find either! I had to compromise by buying crackers and "pinkies."  The following picture is of my host mom, Corinne, eating what I would like to call, "Belgian s'mores"

No one was too overly impressed with the Belgian s'mores... Including me.  So I asked my mom to send real grahmcrackers and marshmallows.  When they arrived, my host family was a little sketched out after the first experience... but after some coaxing, I finally got them to try it, and it was a big hit!!!

Ok this should do it.  Let me know if any of the pictures still don't come up.
Thanks for your patience!! :-) 

created with love by ~*~happytracyinbelgium~*~