Computer crashed
Humm I've been offline for a while because the computer at my host families house wasn't working so voila, now I am at work using the laptop. When was the last time I wrote... euh...evidently it was the 7th. I guess that wasn't so long ago:p ; 4 days can seem like an eternity.
In my last entry I didn't mention my Rotary Presentation very much, but I reassure you all, it went well and without 'gros' problems. It only lasted 5 minutes or so but it didn't look bad because Justine Piette (my ex- host sister) was there and she made a short speech also and after the both of us had presented, Aurelie Dor (the daughter of my first host family who was in Pennsylvania while I was at her house) made a speech about her year in America. Accompaning us at our 'kids table' was Ludavic (ok I know that isn't the correct spelling but I gave it my best shot oki?!) the son of my host family, making him forcement, my host brother; and his friend (both who were exchange students at one point or another)
and yes Aurelie is back now and we've met on a couple of different occasions. She seems really nice to my everyone here. But Adri has told me that when the Dor family came to a barbecue at the Duchesne house they didn't stop talking down on me (and frankly that doesn't surprise me after hearing the stories about Noemie...)
have I mentioned the stories about Noemie? oki well back when Adriana was still in Belgium, every time Noemie talked to her, she was completely obsessed with me. 'I know tracy doesn't like me, if she says something bad about me then you can tell me'; 'I know tracy says bad stuff about me all the time'; 'You know when tracy was at my house she was always angry and she hates my family'; 'Well you know... tracy, she ... doesn't
like her dad...
CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!'; 'Does tracy have a boyfriend in Belgium?'; 'Can I see a picture of him?'; 'Oh he isn't cute... I mean, do
you think he's cute??? he really isnt cute!'
** 20 minutes later**
... 'and tracy bla bla bla.... '
Then once Pierre invited adriana to a movie with him and Noemie (back when there were still dating) and again Noemie talked the ENTIRE time about me. Adriana called me after the movie and said 'COME QUICKLY HERE TO SAVE ME!! THIS GIRL IS GOING TO DRIVE ME INSANE!' and even after I got there, Noemie took Adriana aside and kept talking about me...
how old is this girl!? baf!
... yeah, so that is the Noemie story. Now where was I? oki so On Friday I went into town with Robin which was the first time he's been into liege since he got back, he said he felt like a tourist, lol. I ran a few arrends in town then we went for a drink in the carre at La Cour St. Jean before I had to catch my bus back into Herstal to where my host family works. Woooow it really sucks that I'm leaving at just the same time that he's getting back cuz hes a really fun person to be around and I have such a good time when I'm with him! damn...
Saturday I went into town again to look at book prices and such (might as well buy now while french books are common because I have an idea I'm going to have a hard time finding a lot of french literature back in good 'ol maine. :( Puis, I walked all the way to Killans house to say bye ... euh we kinda had a falling out the other day, then my computer stopped working and I don't have any money left on my cellphone; but I was right there in town so I decided to stop up to say a last goodbye and... he wasn't there. ouf. merde. so chances are I will not see him again... I hate not saying goodbyes ... I need that closure :/
By the time I got back into town it was time for me to pick my bus and... oops, wheres my bus? come to find out the next one was scheduled to come in 40 minutes and I didn't have any money left on my gsm to call my host family. I was kinda bummed/ stressed about that and as I was looking for someone who had their cellphone with them or a telephone booth, when I see two black guys probably in their early 20ies walk past then stop really quickly, turn around and come up to me:
in french: "hello madmoiselle, would it disturb you if I talked to you?"
all polite likeme:
thinking: 'Great, what now?' "yeah sure, what do you want?
guy: "I think you're really beautiful", "bla bla bla"
still distracted trying to find a telephone booth -- I cut him off half way through his sentance "Ok look, do either of you have a cell phone?"
guy: "uh... non"
me: "ok well I'm really busy, I need to find a phone, so I'm just going to go, ok?"
guy: "non non non, madmoiselle..."
summary: the guy finds me a phone booth really quickly + pays for my phone call then asks really politely that I could take his cell phone number and call him some time, that would make him really happy. Ok thanks, bye! lol :p
And euh... I think thats about it. Still packing my bags, weighing them and unpacking... today or tomorrow I have to go into town to compare chocolate prices :p
ahhhh la vie, elle est dure hein!?
happytracyinbelgium typed this up
at 10:40 AM MEST