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My Internet Diary of Belgium
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Vacation is over and I couldn't be happier!!!!!
Mood:  amorous
Topic: Carnival Vacation
Hello sweetheart
[...]you are unbelievable...when i thought that the world had ran out of sweet girls, i found you...

(Exerpt from Lourenco's email to me :D!!)

He was on vacation but he just got home tonight!!!!!! weeeeeeeeeeeee!

So today (or tonight rather) is the official end of vacation. School tomorrow... up at 6... errr. I still have to finish my project for French class. Its gonna be good, but I'm running out of time!! I always find myself saying that, such a procrastinator (sp??)

oh no its 10:32 and my bed time is 10:30! I have to go *vite* before my host mom sees that I'm still online. Just had to write this quick note to say that I'm happy again!!


happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 10:33 PM CET

Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - 9:58 AM CET

Name: lorenza!!

yes 3 cheers for procrastination!!! but later....:)

glad your happy again, just read your email and responded so read it on your own time, procrastination allowing,

keep your head up, and your guestbook made me laugh, how do i get one??

love always
see those ==?? those are wings!!!! boyah

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