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My Internet Diary of Belgium
Monday, February 7, 2005
Mes aventures avec Finn et Charlie
Mood:  surprised
Topic: Carnival Vacation
Still no word from Heike... no phone calls, no e-mails... errr. alors... il resemble comme je vais reste ici pour la vacance.... hummm.

oh atta, je mange...


ok voila. heh.

Hier wow, je ne sais pas qu'est ce que je peux dire de hier... J'ai regarde le film: The Grudge avec Sarah Michelle Geller... wow j'ai beaucoup de peur!!! et apres... umm wow je ne crois pas... ahem et apres j'ai parti pour chez Finn. Carnival est grande la! Je veux aller encore!!! je veux faire les choses fou aussi!!!!! ahhh!

What!? Superbowl? lol awww too bad! dommage! *snaps fingers* I think the Superbowl is unheard of here. There was not one broadcasting of it, not one commercial for it, not one advertisement mentioning it... nothing. Then on MSN it says and what were the best commericals on Superbowl... lol what? I missed Superbowl!? hehehehehe!

When is February ever going to get over? Because IN Maaaaaaaaaaarch Lourenco comes back!*eu te amo!* :D


happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 6:38 PM CET
Updated: Saturday, February 12, 2005 2:22 AM CET

Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - 10:05 AM CET

Name: lori

march isnt just exciting cuz lourenco comes back its also....

drum roll please?


our birthday!! yay we will be 18~~~~~ (in korea) yah but if you have to be politically correct...the big 1-7!!

(just incase you forgot) i know it happens

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