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My Internet Diary of Belgium
Thursday, January 27, 2005
HEIKE and GERMANY (encore)
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Trip to Germany
Last weekend...wait, was it last weekend? Yeah I think so. Ok, so last weekend (Friday) I left for Germany again and got to meet Heike for the first time ever!!! But I already felt like I knew her so well!! She met me at the train station and introduced me to her friend, Sarah, and then Jo took us to a school party. I thought there were a lot of people there but Heike said that there are normally more except that on Saturday many people had to take exams so they wern't there. I think I'll write about that in a different entry... Everyone there is so unbelievably friendly and I got to meet tons of people who had gone to America last year and they were asking me if I knew the people who were their partners and things. It is so funny being a world away from Maine and meeting people who know my people!! (Does that make any sense?... Ok, I'm really tired!)

We got "home" to Heike's pretty late and on Saturday slept in until about 11:30. Then left around 3 in the afternoon to pick up Flo (Heike's brother) and go to their Holiday House that they are still in the process of building. I just can not get over how quickly it is getting finished! The first time I saw it, there was no furniture, kitchen apliances, or anything, now it is "presque fini" except for little things like painting... oh and Heike still doesn't have a bed yet. (lol, just minorly important):) We stayed there for the afternoon and invited the family who lives right by them (the one that is building the house) to come for tea and cakes. (Wait, did I go to England or Germany!?) :) That night we went first to Heike's aunts birthday celebration, and then to Jo's brother's new girlfriend's birthday party! LOL! I prefered Friday night, but Saturday was fun, none the less!

On Sunday they were invited to visit a new neighbor so I went with them. It was a young couple with a 2 year old baby and they just completely redid the house (which is huge) Everyone can speak really great English so I got to be in on the conversation too!! (Such a change from Belgium.. but *ahem* anyways)

Heike let me borrow one of her valise so that I can fill it up with useless things (like my scrapbook and all the things I was going to put in it) and give to the Fauquenoit family to bring back to America when they go in March.

I'll try to post some of the photos tomorrow that their family got back from the first time I was there. (Before Heike got home) but I'm too tired to do that now.


happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 6:01 AM CET

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