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My Internet Diary of Belgium
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Liege Wednesdays
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: My Party Scene
I should be careful what I write about this. Rotary says it is not allowed and if they "catch us" they will send us home, but (dont worry mom) it wasn't dangerous. :)Yesterday I went with Adriana to Liege to the Carre (a square of all bars and nightclubs) where all the exchange students meet on Wednesdays. (I won't mention where in the carre...its a secret! :-P) I don't usually go, but we made an exception because there was a big party for 3 or more people who were leaving us to go back home. (Those lucky bast***s) There were mostly Brazilians, but a lot of Belgian people showed up also, which isn't normal, but whatever, bring on the drinks! It was a fun time, finally being able to mingle with people who speak french is a nice change...its also good to know I can still remember my french even after a couple of rounds of Jupiler! (one of Belgian's best beers)

Then last night I stayed at Adriana's house... We watched Bridget Jones, The Age of Reason in French... umm... found her a second host family!!! (I was getting desprate and losing hope that we would ever find her another family here in Liege), but Romain's family accepted her! This is so great because it is like a "fete"-party all the time with Romain!! (I just posted some photos of him in my Odds and Ends photo album)if you care to check that out.

What else to say? ... I'm loving my new host family. (Not liking so much that I have to get up earlier and take 2 different busses to get to school, but its what I do if I want a good family!) :)

Sorry this post is so incoherent (sp?) but like usual, my mind is elsewhere. I'll write more later probably.




^ me after I eat all this GREAT Belgian chocolate

happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 1:45 PM CET
Updated: Sunday, January 16, 2005 11:37 PM CET

Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 8:35 PM CET

Name: Dad

Hey Tracy!!
This is your father speaking, the proud Dad of my Globe-Trotting Daughters. I'm sitting here on the ship at anchor in Houston, TX and just got off the phone with your mother and she gave me your web site and told me to check ya out. It's good to hear that everything is going well now with your change in host families. I was wondering if you had ever got in touch with Marie-Helen Mahey? How far away is her home from where you are staying in Liege? Let me know if you have been in touch with her and maybe I can contact her father and coordinate with him a visit between you two. Let me know what you think and send me an e-mail either to above address or my trabunlo@prexar.com address. We just got internet here on board so maybe I can be in touch with you a little more often. Keep up the good work, I've got to get back my watch standing duties. Love ya,

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