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My Internet Diary of Belgium
Friday, December 31, 2004
Thailand and the tsunami
Mood:  hug me
Topic: Vacance de Noel
Isn't it unbelievable, what happened in India and Thailand? Its even worse when someone you know was vacationing there over Christmas vacation. Annie, the girl who came to Belgium for a week, from England. She was there... In Phuket. I found out about the tsunami the day after Christmas and it had been 6 days with no word from anyone, Annie, Pierre, Adriana, whether or not she was ok. But finally, finally today I spoke with Pierre. Thank God, shes still alive and safely in England right now. I swear, I cried when I found out. I am just so happy!! I don't think I could have handled losing TWO people on Christmas day...

happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 1:22 PM CET

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