Mood: hungry
Topic: Vacance de Noel
This morning around 11, Giovanni, a friend of Laurie's, stopped by to say hi and invited me out on Thursday night... so thats what I will be up to Thursday night. Then we went to the grandparents house and made homemade belgian waffles. SoooooOOOOoooo good! I added photos of that to my album. I even helped some... ok, actually I just supervised.
Dylan is really sick today (like I was a couple of weeks back) I'm sick too, again, but for different reasons... So we are going to plan to go to the ocean a different day.
I've decided to go to London. I'm leaving the 3rd and coming back the 5... That is, if it is ok with my cordinator. I just e-mailed him today to ask permission and that will probably not make him too happy (that I'm only asking permission a week or so before my trip when their strict regulations say nothing is allowed unless authorized 14 days in advance. Oh well, I payed for it (on accident but its a long and complicated story) and so I must go now.
happytracyinbelgium typed this up
at 5:02 PM CET
Updated: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 6:19 PM CET