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My Internet Diary of Belgium
Thursday, October 28, 2004
A phonecall from your boyfriend helps the medicine go doooown, medicine go doooown, medicine go doooown...no wait thats not righ
Mood:  irritated
Last weekend Adriana's English class went to Eurodisney and I was going to go but I thought Cliff might call so I stayed home...Well he didn't and I was rather bummed about that, but then Tuesday night... or I should rather say early Wednesday morning, (12:08 am) he calls me!! We only got to talk for 5 minutes (Crazy Navy rules and stuff) but of coarse I'm like this now --> :-D :-D No matter whats going on here, hearing his voice makes it all better!

Thursday (today) and Friday are wierd this week at my school because we are doing this thing for Religion class, I guess. Everyone in 5D (my class) and 5C (Adriana's class and the class I had been in for the first month I was here until the school decided to rearrange my schedule ) are supposed to go to this castle thing in... Oh I forget the name of the city, and from 9 until 5 we do activities and stuff. Some of it gets pretty boring, but other stuff is really fun and it sure beats going to school!

On Wednesday after school at noon, Adriana and I scooted into town to pick up a graduation card for Cliff and some cool looking pens. There we met up with another girl from Rotary (a fellow North American, from Canada) Terry who chilled with us until 2 when we caught the bus back to Adriana's house. So last night I stayed the night here at Adriana's so that Pierre could pick up both me and Adriana to take us to the Castle thing but late last night Adriana started to feel bad and this morning it was just worse so she stayed home but I had to go on ahead (Even though I begged my host mom to let me stay... It just wasn't happening) Then when it finished, I caught a ride back to Adriana's and I'm staying the night again tonight and hopefully tomorrow she will be well enough to go with me!

Ok I have lots to write, but I think its best if I wait a little while and then fill everyone in.

Ciao -(Haha, my host sister was reading my blog and looked at the place I had written Chow and said " What does that mean?" I'm like what do you mean 'what does that mean'!? Its in French! But she informed me when they say "chow" like as a fairwell, they spell it Ciao. Heh heh, whoops!) :-P

happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 8:56 PM MEST

Friday, October 29, 2004 - 2:28 PM MEST

Name: Adriana
Home Page: http://glorifindel.zip.net

Sorry Tracy,
but today I still bad so I couldnt go with you on the Retrait... by the way, the city is Dahlem... But i hope that you are having a great time there... kisses

Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 2:00 AM CET

Name: Aparecida Castanon

Hi Tracy, here is Adriana's mother (from Brazil). Thanks a lot for your company with Adriana when she was sick. She said me that you are a great friend and she loves you. Then, you have more friends here in Brazil because Adriana is our love and if you are her friend, we love you too. I hope you have a great time in Belgium and in Paris... and return more happy for school next week, with many news from Paris and Adriana with many news from Barcelona. Enjoy your life. Kisses from Adriana's mother. Aparecida.

Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 2:01 AM CET

Name: Aparecida Castanon

Hi Tracy, here is Adriana's mother (from Brazil). Thanks a lot for your company with Adriana when she was sick. She said me that you are a great friend and she loves you. Then, you have more friends here in Brazil because Adriana is our love and if you are her friend, we love you too. I hope you have a great time in Belgium and in Paris... and return more happy for school next week, with many news from Paris and Adriana with many news from Barcelona. Enjoy your life. Kisses from Adriana's mother. Aparecida.

Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 2:01 AM CET

Name: Aparecida Castanon

Hi Tracy, here is Adriana's mother (from Brazil). Thanks a lot for your company with Adriana when she was sick. She said me that you are a great friend and she loves you. Then, you have more friends here in Brazil because Adriana is our love and if you are her friend, we love you too. I hope you have a great time in Belgium and in Paris... and return more happy for school next week, with many news from Paris and Adriana with many news from Barcelona. Enjoy your life. Kisses from Adriana's mother. Aparecida.

Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 2:01 AM CET

Name: Aparecida Castanon

Hi Tracy, here is Adriana's mother (from Brazil). Thanks a lot for your company with Adriana when she was sick. She said me that you are a great friend and she loves you. Then, you have more friends here in Brazil because Adriana is our love and if you are her friend, we love you too. I hope you have a great time in Belgium and in Paris... and return more happy for school next week, with many news from Paris and Adriana with many news from Barcelona. Enjoy your life. Kisses from Adriana's mother. Aparecida.

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