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My Internet Diary of Belgium
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
"The Relax Cafe"
Mood:  silly
Ok... The relax cafe isn't really a cafe...its a gay bar, and yes, that is where I spent the better portion of my Saturday. LOL!!!! Ok, its difficult to explain... but they have great coffee!

I was going to go to a movie with Adriana and Annie, but we got the times mixed up and I missed it, but spent the afternoon with Roman and Selina. Then when I caught up with Annie and Adriana, we went with Pierre and some other guys back to Pierre's house to grab something to eat before we went to the concert that Generic was playing at. Generic is a band that some guys from my school are in.

happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 11:17 AM MEST

Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 7:07 PM MEST

Name: Adriana
Home Page: http://glorifindel.zip.net

Tracy, the picture of us doesnt work... :( see this afther...
and even with the mistake, the saturday was good isnt it??
kisses of your brazilian friend

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