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My Internet Diary of Belgium
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Scrapbooking supplies, birthday parties, and Engish exchange students; Oh My!
Mood:  silly
I finally got my package...It was my scrapbooking supplies that mom sent me...not my videocamera. So my VC is still among the missing. :-( ....*sigh*

Last weekend I went with Adriana to Laurianne's birthday party. It was a lot of fun!! We played congo drums, drank ...stuff...Eline played the guitar and everyone sand American and Belgian songs to the best of our ability. Adriana tried teaching us the "take your shirt off and spin it around your head like a hellicopter" song in Portugese. it goes kinda like this: tira a camisa, tira a camisa levanta pro alto e comeca a rodar, and around 1 in the morning, Laurianne's mom took us all to the Fair in Liege center. That night I stayed at Adriana's house and on Sunday my host family planned a big lunch and invited my two future host families to come so I could get to know them. I had already met my second host family, but that was the fist time I had ever seen my third. They are both really nice and I like them a lot!

Monday the exchange student from England arrived. Turns out she isn't an exchange student, just someone visiting for a week...:-( Her name is Anna and she's really nice. We are trying to convince her to come back often if she can get permission from her ultra strict Hitler resembling principle (heil Hit- I mean, may I please go back to Belgium?!)


happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 2:11 PM MEST

Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 6:34 PM MEST

Name: Adriana
Home Page: http://glorifindel.zip.net

Oh!! I allready saw your picturs from Eurodisney!! they are soo nice!!! I really hope that you can go with us in this time!!! kisses
ps: pass in my blog too and let me a comment!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 1:59 PM MEST

Name: Karen Stacey

Hi Tracy!
It's so much fun reading about your adventures. I'm so glad you heard from Cliff and maybe can have a visit. You seem to be having a better time now and the pix are great! Have some chocolate for me and continue your explorations!
Love, Auntie Karen

Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 1:59 PM MEST

Name: Karen Stacey

Hi Tracy!
It's so much fun reading about your adventures. I'm so glad you heard from Cliff and maybe can have a visit. You seem to be having a better time now and the pix are great! Have some chocolate for me and continue your explorations!
Love, Auntie Karen

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