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My Internet Diary of Belgium
Thursday, October 7, 2004
*crosses fingers*
Mood:  energetic
Yesterday my host family got a little flier from the postoffice saying something has arrived for me! I'm going today to pick it up along with my cd of pictures at the Carrefour. I hope the package is my video camera!! It has gone among the missing for almost a month now and I have reealy been stressing over it. But it could be my scrapbooking supplies that mom sent last week... Won't know 'till later today!!!!! Then once I get my CD of photos, I can put more pictures on here because this site is looking a little pathetic right now...:-( It needs some sprucing up a bit.

Last night Aurelie called home. (She is the girl whose place I'm taking while she spends a year in Pennsylvania) Well she is veeery unhappy because her family doesn't spend any time with her and are very religious so lately all they have been doing is going to their Jewish ceremonies in Hebrew! (How is she expected to learn English when all they talk is Hebrew!?) Well I guess its getting pretty stressful for her (I can imgaine) and she is seriously thinking about coming home...which would put me... yeah I don't know either. That would prove for a problem.

In school I have heard a rumor that an exchange student from England is coming. Well no, actually I know an exchange student from England is coming, but the rumors are of when. One person said in a month and the other said in a few days. Adriana is worried that I won't hang out with her any more, LOL! So far we are the only two exchange students in the school (our own small happy family) :-) I'm worried that this girl might be snotty...because she's English...isn't that the worst stereotype? Bad tRACY! Bad! We'll see...

Yesterday there was a Yep meeting for all the exchange students in Belgium and we went to the Blegny Mine which is right near my house (so I didn't have to take the train) It was pretty funny *ahem* I mean interesting. No, but seriously, it was cool because we got to go into the mine and see how everything worked and we had to put on hardhats and big jackets before we went...so I can just imagine what the pictures are going to look like! LOL!!


happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 2:39 PM MEST

Thursday, October 7, 2004 - 3:54 PM MEST

Name: Lori

I'M CROSSING MY FINGERS THAT IT'S THE VIDEO CAMERA TOO! haha maybe we should pray too? JUST KIDDING! but really, if it isnt, some dumb post man is gonna get his bum kicked! grr red head power. haha take it easy darling!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004 - 12:57 AM MEST

Name: Auntie Elaine

Hi Tracy; Love reading about your trip and what you are doing. How exciting to be able to do this, And what a beautiful picture you put on the begining. You are sooooooooo pretty. If you have time let me know some of the things you really like about being there. We are all doing well. My big news is I have lost 100 pounds! Thats as much as Jesse weighs. Love, Auntie Elaine

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