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My Internet Diary of Belgium
Friday, September 24, 2004
1 month +
Mood:  party time!

can you see that? ^ Its a picture of me and Jodi after we got our hair cut...or its supposed to be... I've been trying forever to get pictures to load on this website and I think thats the first one that worked...if it didn't then someone let me know...

Wednesday was the 22nd, which means that I have been here for a month and now being the 24th, its one month plus 2 days... It was Adriana's one month marker too so we went and celebrated... well ok it wasnt the best celebration I've ever had, but it was a change! Pierre and Necola took us out to the Cabere which is the community of bars in my city. (Honestly, it is two whole streets of just bars) It was fun. We didn't drink very much because we've heard horror stories about exchange students who get drunk and its better to play it safe. I had a blanch "cherry" and something else but I didn't catch the name of the second drink. That was it for drinking... Then we walked around a lot, got a really big sandwich for only 3 euros! Let me explain: here we don't go to the store and buy a loaf of bread, it is much more complicated. You go to a boulangerie which is like a bakery,(yeah like the ones Mrs. Bintliff talked about in French class!! They really do exist!) and buy whatever kind of bread you want, (they are all freshly made right there) and then you have to go out and get what you want in it an a different place, or you can just go to a sandwich shop and look at their list of 500+ sandwiches, order in perfect French, and get a sandwich that way...*deep breath.* That was Wednesday. That night I stayed at Adriana's house and went to school with her family on Thursday. Unlike my host family, hers takes the bus and mine drives me. It was kind of a hassle because it was raining as it does all the time here!

Well school gets over here soon so I'll sign off!


happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 4:04 PM MEST
Updated: Friday, September 24, 2004 4:25 PM MEST

Sunday, September 26, 2004 - 7:06 PM MEST

Name: MOM

hey, tRACY!!! Nice try to place a photo in you diary. I'll be interested to hear if anyone else was able to see the whole picture. My netscape wouldn't print the page AT ALL, and my Explorer only printed to the bottom of your nose and clipped Jodi's chin. I love that picture!!! Wish I could see the whole thing! :(

Wednesday, September 29, 2004 - 12:51 PM MEST

Name: Lori

is it just me or does jodi look like shes gonna break down and cry? it's ok jodi, it'll grow back! haha no but seriously you 2 look so pretty! i wish i had more pics of you with your hair cut to show ppl here. I have only one and everyone asks is that your oldersister, is she an aunt? no shes my TWIN there like noooo. she she looks so much older! well jus member, that'll come back and bite you in thye butt when we're both 50! hah! jk i love you take it easy darlin!

Wednesday, September 29, 2004 - 12:51 PM MEST

Name: Lori

is it just me or does jodi look like shes gonna break down and cry? it's ok jodi, it'll grow back! haha no but seriously you 2 look so pretty! i wish i had more pics of you with your hair cut to show ppl here. I have only one and everyone asks is that your oldersister, is she an aunt? no shes my TWIN there like noooo. she she looks so much older! well jus member, that'll come back and bite you in thye butt when we're both 50! hah! jk i love you take it easy darlin!

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