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My Internet Diary of Belgium
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Nothing here works!
Mood:  accident prone
It seems as soon as I touch something, it breaks. This is the second computer I had to use today because the software I was trying to use wasn't working on the other one... Yesterday I tried 3 different computers (by the way, I'm at school) because they all kept freezing on me. I look around... and everyone is just buzzing away on theirs...and me? I have the computer I'm at, plus the ones on each side of me, with flashing blue screens. I decided to get out of there as soon as possible! Now class is almost over and all I've acomplished is checking my e-mail and typing this entry. EEERRRRR

Well, Adriana came over yesterday after school at 12 (because Wednesdays are 1/2 days) and we had lunch with my host family. (Well my host grandparents because both Corinne and Stephane were working.) They were all upset with me because they didn't know how she was going to get home. Rotary students arn't allowed to take a bus alone evidently, so they said no she couldn't take a bus home like she had origionally planned... But she isn't a ROTARY student! And it was hard to explain because the more upset they got, the faster and louder they talked IN FRENCH...hello over here... neither of us speak french! Finally we got it squared away, but man it was a mess! After lunch we looked over our scrapbook stuff. Adriana scrapbooks also and for now we are in search of a Scrapbooking store so we can get Noemie a scrapbook too. No one here has ever heard of it, so it is difficult to explain, and scrapbook supplies and stores are sooooo RAAARE.

Well class is over now and I have break! Chow!

happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 10:09 AM MEST
Updated: Thursday, September 16, 2004 2:09 PM MEST

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