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My Internet Diary of Belgium
Friday, September 10, 2004
*Snif snif...plugs nose*
Mood:  smelly
It is common for people to not wear deoderant here. All my classes smell like body odor. So I feel smelly...
I am still in school right now, using their computers but class is going to get over soon... Next I have Geography until 4:15 then Im done...so well that was the bell... I should have written sooner, it isnt like I didnt have enough free time today, I had art the first two hours but the teacher wasnt here so I had those free and then I had science but I skipped that, and then I had english and french, and now another study hall... next i have Mediatheque (computer class), but there is goign to be a class in here G2G


Well the Mediatheque is free to use now so here I am. This isn't an actual class, it is just a room that I can go to and use the computer, but on my schedule it says it is an actual class... Im beginning to like this! The only real classes I have had today are English and French, but English is really easy for me...obviously and I dont pay attention in French because the teacher talks waaaay to fast. Next I have Geography...I actually understand that class! Theres a new concept! But my "mediatheque" class ends in 5 minutes or so, so I'll pack up now.... chow!

happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 2:41 PM MEST
Updated: Friday, September 24, 2004 4:29 PM MEST

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