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My Internet Diary of Belgium
Sunday, May 8, 2005
The tick tock of the clock is painful, all sain and logical... I wanna tear it off the wall
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: Trip to Germany

Before I talk about today, I have to finish telling my story about Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Tout d'abord, d'avant je commence dire les evenements d'aujourd' hui, je dois expliquer ce qu'il se passe sur jeudi, vendredi, et samedi.

Friday night at midnight, when the school party got over, Heike's dad was waiting outside for us, with Martin, to go to the Holiday house an hour or so away. We stayed there all of thursday because it was a religious holiday and no one had work or school. Another family came to visit for the day. We chilled at the house all day and I made some pages with Heike for her scrapbook. They came out sooo cute, I wish now that id gotten photos of them but I forgot. :(

Vendredi soir, apres la fete de l'ecole, le pere d'Heike nous conduira jusqu'a sa maison d'holiday ou on restera pour tout le journee de jeudi. Une autre famille sont allee pour voir la maison et ils sont rester la tout la journee jusque on a parti pour retourner chez heike. Heike et moi ont fait deux pages dans son scrapbook pendant la journee: un de ses photos de son premier homar et le deuxieme de GAPP. Ils sont trop mignon, maintenent je souhaite que j'ai pris un photo, mais j'oublie :(

Friday there was school (even for me, I think) and so I went with Heike to her highschool in Germany. It was a really easy day for her, she only had to stay there for 3 hours and I didn't have to wake up until 9. The first 2 classes were English and the second was a Science Social class (like what I have in Beligum, but never a class I've seen in America) I met some of the people I'd seen at the party and everyones nice to meeeeeee :D

Tout le monde a l'ecole vendredi (meme moi, je crois) alors je suis aller a l'ecole en Allmagne avec Heike pendant la journee. C'etait un jour tres facile pour elle, on a seulement 3 heures des classes et apres on est fini car ses deux cours au debut etaient libres. La premiere classe etait anglais pendant deux heurs et pris Science sociale. J'ai rencontree du personnes qui j'ai parlee avec a la fete et tout le monde est treeeeeeees gentille.

I had some kind of 're culture shock' when I went to Germany because the culture resembled more like America, where as Belgium is closer to the french culture. Heike's school isn't even a public school, its a school only for the upper bound students; all the same, it is a lot more relaxed than my Belgian school.

Au debut d'entree en Allemagne, il m'arrive un sorte d'echoc cultural, car la culture est forte similarie a la culture aux Etats-Unis, par contre la Belgique est plus prosh (pres ?)a la culture en France. L'ecole d'Heike n'est meme pas un ecole publique mais cest dix fois plus libre que l'ecole ou je vais en Belqigue.

When the teachers were making a speach for the class, not all the students were attentative, some talking with eachother and such. If I were to come directly from America to Germany, this wouldn't surprise me at all but after spending 8 months in Belgium, I was shocked that the teacher didn't do anything. In Heike's Science Social class a boy had a hat on all through class and the teacher never noticed. Thats not even allowed in America!

Les eleves n'etaient pas attentative pendant les paroles des profs mais si j'ai arrivee juste des Etats-Unis, ca me derangee pas parce que c'est le meme mais j'ai restee pendant 8 mois en Belgique alors je l'ai trouvee un peu bizzar. Pendant l'entier du cours de Science Sociale, un mec a porte un chapeau et ca n'est meme pas permettre aux Etats-Unis!

The americanized culture catches me off guard once in a while too. In Belgium, the people (my age) are very concerned with their grades and less on their looks and dating scene. (Or so I percieve it to be) but in Germany, the girls are much more aware (concious?) of their looks. I go there just looking like whatever and then see all these really pretty people and think... shit, I should have put in some effort. :p

Les Belges sont plus interessent en ses etudes que ses resemblances (ou, au moins, ca cest comment je le percieve pour les persons qui ont le meme age que moi.) Au contraire, les filles en Allemagne sont bcp plus 'aware' (je sais pas le mot en francais) et moi, j'y arrrivee avec n'importe quelle vetements et ect. et je vois plein des filles tres belles et je me dis: oh merde, j'avait du ajoute plus d'efforte!

happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 12:01 AM MEST
Updated: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 6:15 PM MEST

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