This will probably be a short entry because I'm on the computer in the "mediatheque" or ... library if you will, and I only have an hour or so to write. This doesn't pose a problem for me because I don'thave very much to say. :)
I was re reading my last entry (it seems to me that I am the only one who reads these things any more) and I realized that I never gave an explanation for the title of my last entry. "Seven months in Belgium and you are becoming American." It was because (as if it really needs an explanation... If I'm the only person who reads this...then I already know the meaning behind it...) Adriana used to be very... correct. Very mature. This is right and that is wrong. If someone was angry with her than it was because they had a very good reason to be and she should probably be the one saying sorry... always the rational thinker.
well... then she met me.
:p (!!!) Now she is crazy irrational thinker who does what she wants. Pats the dogs and then eats dinner without washign her hands... a real rebel, I know. :p (!!) One day she had a pink shirt on and she thought to herself, "I should change piercings with tracy, that way it will match my shirt. ... omg ...eww... why did I just think that. That was a dirty american thought!" She thinks of me as a dirty american but now... sorry, she is the same as me!! :D
salle americaine!!
Last night I called Jodi for the first time in forever. we talked for about an hour which is going to kill my host families phone bill (desole) That was a deserved phone call... very reassuring. Dustin is planning on meeting me at the airport the 2nd when I come home and I do plan on partying with them on the 4th(I MISS MY GARDNER FAMILY!!)
I got an email from my sister this morning. It was titled: 'bold pumpkin.'
bold pumpkin?
The first sentence started out: "if i were going to make a new language those would both be swear
words. wow...tahts bold like that sthe shit. bolden right. pumpkin you! yah i got it all worked out."
hahahahahahah YES!
I wish Lourenco would get online. I havn't talked to him in so long... And it was always so nice to talk to him, he always made me feel better when I was sad. ooOOOOooo and i added two new photos of him to my April Album!! ;)
My hour is up.
happytracyinbelgium typed this up
at 11:16 AM MEST