oooOOOOoooo my. Where do I begin. I havn't updated in so long. Everything is forever changing changing changing. I am now with my 3rd and final *phew* host family.
This was the origional plan:
1st host family: DOR
2nd host family: DUCHESNE
3rd host family: BEX
Then because I had a minor tiff with the Dor family they changed my second family from Duchesne to Piette because the Duchesne family is good friends with the Dors.
So then it went:
1st host family: DOR
2nd host family: PIETTE
3rd host familiy: BEX
But for vacation the Piette family, Dor family, and Bex family were all going on vacations so I had to find a filler family just for the vacation. During vacation there was a death in the BEX family and they decided the couldn't host me.
Now it is officially:
1st host family: DOR
2nd host family: PIETTE
2 1/2 host family: Chez Guilleume et Michelle (I forget his last name)
3rd host family: DUCHESNE
Sunday was my last day with my 2 and a half host family. 2nd and 1/2 because I was only with them for the vacation (which is 2 weeks short) so they wern't really a host family, but they were a great host family... all at the same time; I think that deserves atleast a half a host family title.) That night my 2 1/2 host dad took me to my 3rd host family. I had all day to pack but somehow I just didn't seem to finish it so there is still stuff at his house... like my dvd player. lol.
I arrived here around 9 on Sunday night and my host brothers and sister were sleeping already. I had a cup of coffee with my new family and my 2 1/2 host dad before he left. In my new family I have 3 host brothers and one host sister. The oldest, Francois, is 10 (almost 11); Guilleume is 8, Charles is... 6 or 7, and Laura is 3 (and a half). Francois and Laura both have red hair so I could actually pass them off as being my real brother and sister. Charles has blonde hair and Guilleume has brown hair.
The house is huge! I'm almost tempted to ask for a map so I don't get lost! When I was staying with my 2 1/2 host family we would go driving a lot and whenever i saw a castle I would say "Chateau, Chateau!!" (Castle in French) because we don't have anything like that in Maine... or anywheres in USA. We are just too young. So it always surprised me when we would pass a big castle while driving aimlessly along the countryside. When my host dad took me to my 3rd host families house, I yelled "Chateau, Chateau!! oh no wait, that is just my new house." :p It was built ... a long time ago and it used to be a home for young girls who were orphaned during the second world war. Not a very happy story... I know. But anywyas that explains why the house is soooo big. Not big in the same sense as my last house where I got my own apartement, but in the sense that there are tons and tons of itsy bitsy rooms. I'll try to draw a map, scan it, and put it on my webpage. it is not even believable. My host parents are both doctors, I think. I know my host dad, Bernard, is an eye doctor, but I'm not sure what my host mom does. They are both really nice.
So today is my first full day here with the DUCHESNE family. This morning I woke up around 7 and my host dad took all 5 of us to school at 7:55. My house isn't very far from school and I can walk there (if I am motivated enough to do so... which today I wasnt because it was too cold) The school I go to (the Secondaire= highschool+ grades 7 and 8) is right across the road from the Premiere= elementary. All my host siblings go to the premiere but my host dad just drops us off in the parking lot and we disperse into our own respectful corners of the world. In the afternoon it was still too cold to walk home so I caught a ride with my new host dad when he was picking the 'petites' up at school.
And there in the living room (one of the 4) was the biggest damned bumble bee I've ever seen. "Charlies, Guilleume, viens!! vite!!"- come quick! The boys came running with fly swatters and I stood at a safe distance behind a door. But of coarse I videotaped it... I mean it was the first big thing I've done with my host siblings since I've been here! You can't just let something like that slip past you! The rest of the afternoon I spent outside with the brothers and sister. Being with them reminds me of being with Sisi, Collin, and Darrell. They are all just so cute!! Laura is especially similar to Sisi! Awww I miss my little neighbors.(I hope you guys aren't too old to play when I get back!!)
When Francois got home from school, he had a friend with him; Corentin. Yup, my first host brother from the Dor family. He was surprisingly plesant. Maybe not being in the same family any more has changed his mind about me... I'm not so bad. :) As soon as Francois walked through the door, he demanded (in a kind way) if I was happy to be staying here with them.
... of coarse. :)
When my host mom got home, we walked to the grocery store, which is right down the hill, not a 2 minute walk, with Charles and Laura. On the way Charles picked a dandilion and a purple flower and then gave the dandilion to me. I held on to that dandilion all through the store, mindlessly twirling it around in my hands and then as I was passing someone in one of the isles it occured to me... I must be becoming a mother or something! I was doing mom-like things. You know when you are young and you pick a handful of dandilions or whatever other weeds you can find, and present them to you mom and no matter how rediculous she looks, she will keep them right with her or put them in a vase for everyone to see. It doesn't matter to her if she looks foolish or not... Yah, that was me.
but you know it feels good to be accepted.
I have little brothers and a little sister now!! Hey hey they like me!! :D
Well that tis all for now. I'm gonna go try and scheme a cup of coffee off my host parents and maybe get the scanner up and running. I just got 2 films developed so I have plenty of photos, I just need to put them on the computer. Keep your eyes peeled for those.
happytracyinbelgium typed this up
at 6:01 AM MEST