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My Internet Diary of Belgium
Friday, April 1, 2005
"Poisson d'Avril"
Mood:  surprised
Topic: Vacance de Paques
APRIL FOOLS DAY!!! Here it is called 'le poisson d'Avril' -the April fish because when someone plays a joke on you and you fall for it (when you are young) they put a paper fish on your back and you are the fish of April (or the fool of april, which is what it signifies)

Horray for summer in April!! It was 18?c today! I don't know what that is in Farhenheite but I know its warm and it was sunny and such a beautiful day! Really more like summer time than spring time.

Today was my day of recouperation (not that I've done thaaaat much, but sometimes its good to just chill.) I woke up around 10 and after breakfast I took the dogs for a walk with my host dad like usual. I took my video camera for I don't know what reason because im living in the country and it isnt like Ive never lived in the country before, lol this is more like home sweet home to me, but anyways...

Around noon I went into town to do the grocery shopping with my host mom and it was still sunny and nice when we got back so we ate lunch outside in the fresh air. While I was in town I picked up a magazine (in french of coarse) and after lunch I sat out in a lawn chair reading. Around 4:30-quarter to 5 my host dad had to go into town again to pick up Michelle from a doctors apointment and asked if I wanted to go. Why not? On the way home they surprised me with a visit to a castle!!! (because they know how crazy I am about the castles here.) I didn't have my camera with me because I didn't know that we were going sight seeing but they promised that we could come back. It was pretty big, with a mote around it and a big garden in front and to the side of it. We wern't allowed to walk around inside the castle because it was used primarily for gatherings like with schools or churches or such so we made a tour around the gardens outside. It was still sunny and warm and I can't wait to go back, maybe with Adriana.

There is a playground too, for the little kids and there was a big slide set up that was reeeeeaaaaalllllllly long and steep... it looked just like the one at the brooks park back in maine, only longer (with the sand pit at the bottom and everything so that your kids dont get hurt when they get launched off at the end) lol! ?sigh? boy don't I miss red neck parks like brooks (not even joking) :)

Then we made another stop before returning home at another castle, but it was privately owned so we couldn't go in. Imaging privately owning a castle...?sigh? "yeah just adding to my collection, another castle in Belgium." And who cleans their house for them?! lol this gives a whole new meaning to "Yuppie Sight Seeing"; Camden will never seem the same again :p

for dinner we had couscous!!! And to everyones surprise, I burnt my tongue... again!!! This is becoming a ritual or something, pfff. I love couscous sooo much but then I can never taste anything after that for atleast 2 weeks. lol

humm I guess that is all the adventure that has happened to me in the last 24 hours... and on my 'day off' none the less.

Oh wait, I broke my pen today. Yup, this is dramatic. I just... I can not believe it. My good 15 euro fountain pen. I've had that pen since the week I got here... it was a warrior, like me. We've been through everything together, me and that pen. So tomorrow I'm going into town to buy a new one... well I can't stay in mourning forever. I needed a reason to buy some anyways because we don't have pens like this in America.

ok yup that is all.


happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 8:57 PM CET
Updated: Friday, April 1, 2005 9:20 PM CET

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