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My Internet Diary of Belgium
Monday, March 21, 2005
"Mass Confusion of the Little Mind"
Mood:  not sure
This weekend was a full one, with activities planned for each day... I like the weekends that way. Friday night was the birthday party for Eline (a girl in my class) and Adriana and I stayed there at the sall with a couple other people that night.

We had to be up early the next morning to do a "pie run" --> go to the boulangerie and get pastries to bring to adriana's first host families house. We ate breakfast with the Fayersons and then set out for Brussels with Adriana's first host mom to see the Exposition d'art at the art university where Marie works. I am one to make cute things... but when I go there and see beautiful, wonderful, amazing things, it really inspires me. ****poof**** look out: tracy is in artistic mode. eeeee. :p I have such an appreciation for art. I Love it. I want to run out and make things. No... not in Belgium... it is toooo expensive. :'( meeeeeeeehhhhh! I want to create things about frogs, sheep, and feet. lool! ;)

When I first got here, I was installed in an art class, but I didn't speak french very well and when they boosted me into the 11th grade, I had to drop it. I made one accomplishment while I was in there: a sketch of cliff from a photo I had. Adriana is keeping the sketch I drew of Cliff, when I first got here. It was a really great sketch ... but you know, sh!t happens. And she is giving me her big photo of her ex boyfriend also.. we are trading ex boyfriends, you see, because they both are just too beautiful (the photos) to throw away, but it hurts too much to appreciate them so we trade and now I can appreciate her beautiful ex boyfriend and she can enjoy mine! lol (dont ask :D)

And it just so happened that on Saturday (the day of the art expo.) it was also a huge manifestation in Brussels (The capital of Belgium, but also, more importantly, the capital of Europe (!!)) because they were protesting something. Me, being from the 'willy works of the world' had never ever seen anything like it in all of my upbringing... Adriana, though, was less than impressed. (Let me remind you, she is a Brazilian who is used to passing her time in Rio de Janeiro... can you say 'carnival' (!!!)) but for those less fortunate, like myself, it was a real sight to see; all the main roads were blocked off, police cars, vans, bikes, and such in hords at every corner, all the people marching down the streets with big flags and blaring loud music, chanting their protests. They just kept coming and kept coming... I didn't think it would ever end and I kept thinking that they were just going around the block and coming back around because I couldn't fathome the thought of a steady flow of so many people... (like in science class when they tell you space is infinite... no I will not believe it. Quantium physics style "light is lumpy"... c'mon I'm sure we can all relate) just honestly... Ive never seen anythingn like it. pfff lol et moi sans m' apperail de photo ou camera! merde alors!!!

Sunday I went to the most beautiful little village aupres de Namur... wow it was just incredible. There was a rotary meeting in Mozet (the pretty little villa) in a mini castle... there is a name for a mini castle: 'manoir' and I guess it was a bit of a retreit where certain students are asked to stay the whole weekend and talk with outbounds (students origionally from Belgium who are going to be exchange students) I was not one of the invited, therefore I only went on Sunday with my host family because Justine (my host sister) is going to be an outbound. (in Austrailia) AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE (((oi oi oi))) lol;)

But you know the sad thing is that I didn't even get any photos! I'm so torn about this. I must, absolutely must, go back. Get a video... something.

Yeah...I know, I know... * I experienced it and that is all that counts.* buuuut its good to put memories into pictures... share them in a way you can't share mental photos. You know, I saw the Buckingham Palace and didn't even take a photo!? Yeah so I saw it, but memories don't last forever. So now, I'm hoping mom is going to buy me a digital camera and send it back with the Fauquenoits. That would be ARCHIE COOL!!! ;) lol


I change host families next saturday.

And I'm home today.

happytracyinbelgium typed this up at 11:51 AM CET

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